COVID Disclaimer Form
This form must be completed and submitted 24-hours prior to your appointment.*
Heatmeister Group LLC is doing everything we can to protect our clients as well as our employees. To this extent, we will be following the Center of Disease Control (CDC) and local health department guidelines with regard to social distancing practices in order to reduce the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). This requires our staff to maintain six (6) feet of distance between ourselves and you, the client, as much as possible in order to limit the exposure to all individuals, and all individuals are required to wear face masks.
We ask all clients to respect the health and safety of our team and community by maintaining the recommended social distancing of six (6) feet. We require all individuals (staff and clients) to utilize face masks to reduce the risk of exposure to yourself and others. It is also required of everyone to either wash or sanitize hands after using the restroom, sneezing, coughing, eating or preparing meals. Our technicians visit many homes per day, and the passing of the virus is a two-way street. If possible, we'd prefer that no one be present during our technician's time on-site. However, knowing that may not be feasible, please maintain as much separation as possible. This includes family pets.
We will not perform any work other than emergencies if someone within the household has been diagnosed as having contracted COVID-19 within the last three weeks and has not been cleared by a physician for exposure to others. The CDC requires that you not have had any ongoing signs and/or symptoms (at least 72 hours have passed since recovery, defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms), and at least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared before you can be considered non-contagious.
Failure to comply with these written instructions or verbal instructions from staff may result in immediate departure from the job site regardless of completion of services/diagnostics. Trip charges and any installations provided will be charged in full should the premises be departed. Items that must be returned due to not adhering to these policies may results in restocking fees up to 20%.
If we all work together, we can overcome the spread of this virus as well as other infectious diseases. By submitting the below, I agree to each statement and release Heatmeister Group LLC from any and all liability for unintentional exposure or harm due to COVID-19, and further, I agree to comply with the written instructions in this form.
Thank you for submitting the COVID Disclaimer Form.
We will get back to you as soon as possible
All schedules are subject to the health and availability of our employees and are subject to change without notice. We will do everything in our power to let you know should an interruption to our previously scheduled services occur. The first right of refusal as it pertains to performing service will be based on the judgement of the attending technician. If the technician is uncomfortable with the working conditions, service may be cancelled and/or postponed.
*The information you provide us is extremely important and will be kept strictly confidential. Heatmeister Group LLC will never sell or otherwise disclose this information to any other parties.